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Liquid Anti-limestone BLUCARE - 1Lt
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Description of product:
ANTI-LIMESTONE, is a product that contains very effective mineral solvents, which together effectively eliminate limescale stains and other dirt, resistant on the exterior glass of the car, and others, caused by waters containing minerals that are deposited on the surface when evaporating, these minerals are usually deposits of calcium and magnesium, which stick to the surface, and do not come out with a simple wash. BLUCARE ANTI-LIMESTONE effortlessly cleans limestone, leaving glass clean and transparent. Instructions for use: Wear protective gloves when handling the product, pour a small amount into an applicator or equivalent. Work the product with the applicator using moderate pressure, until it starts to dry, remove the remains with a clean and dry cloth, repeat if necessary, finally clean the glass with OPTIGLASS glass cleaner to obtain an irreproachable result. Do not use ANTI-LIMESTONE on paint, fabrics, rubbers, plastics or vinyl.
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